A home for wildlife

European bison reintroduced in the Southern Carpathians.
A free roaming population counting more than 200 individuals.

Daniel Mirlea

A home for wildlife

European bison reintroduced in the Southern Carpathians.
A free roaming population counting more than 200 individuals.

Boosting local economy

New opportunities for the communities living close to nature.
People working together towards a more sustainable economy.

Cătălin Josan

Boosting local economy

New opportunities for the communities living close to nature.
People working together towards a more sustainable economy.

Investing in the future

Children and young adults learn about nature and wildlife
and develop a sense of responsibility and pride.

Dan Dinu

Investing in the future

Children and young adults learn about nature and wildlife
and develop a sense of responsibility and pride.

Free flowing rivers

Restoring natural habitats by identifying and removing barriers along rivers.

Sandra Bartocha / Wild Wonders of Europe

Free flowing rivers

Restoring natural habitats by identifying and removing barriers along rivers.

Creating engagement

Developing nature-smart communities that protect nature and guide tourists to experience the wild in a mindful way.

Daniel Mirlea

Creating engagement

Developing nature-smart communities that protect nature and guide tourists to experience the wild in a mindful way.

What is rewilding

Rewilding is a progressive approach towards conservation. Through rewilding, the natural processes are enabled to restore ecosystems and repair degraded habitats. Rewilding is a scientific method focused on creating the right conditions for nature to heal itself, for wildlife to return, and for people to live better lives. Rewilding in action translates into reintroducing key species that can help restore balance without further human intervention.

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Vlad Cvașa

About Rewilding Romania

Rewilding Romania was founded in 2017 with the help of Rewilding Europe as part of the European Rewilding Initiative. Our team is led by Marina Drugă, biologist and director of the organisation, and together, we are advancing rewilding efforts in two main areas: the Southern Carpathians and the Danube Delta.

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Our initiatives