We aim to provide the right context for nature to thrive and wildlife species to return. Our monitoring programmes help evaluate the population and provide the data needed to better understand nature’s way and how to protect it.

Developing a coexistence plan with the local communities and implementing intervention protocols to support the people living in the proximity of the wild areas.
Our aim is to protect bison with the help of the people, not with fences, and work together to create the first Bison-smart community.
Monitoring programmes
In 2023 we started a partnership with the Retezat National Park and we created together the methodology for the monitoring programme.
The programme started in 2024 and is still ongoing, revealing important data about the animal species that live in the Retezat Moutains. Approximately 60 camera traps were deployed in the field covering a large area, for a better understanding of the fauna.
In autumn 2024, we joined our efforts to support the chamois monitoring activities.
Studies and research
We are collaborating with different institutes of research and development where we provide important data from the field. The 200 plus bison population in the Țarcu Moutains is important because it is one of the few truly wild populations. The animals are not artificially fed or managed, which gives vital insights into the bison’s behaviour.
DNA samples are being collected to monitor the gene pool that will help future selections for translocation resulting in studies that will be published in the future.
Every action we take is based on science and a careful evaluation of ecological and social impact.
Bison reintroduction
2014 marks the return of the European bison in the Southern Carpathians. After 10 years, the population reached 200 animals.
Fallow deer releases
Strengthening the only fallow deer population in Hunedoara by releasing approximately 30 individuals into the wild.