Nature for People

Providing support for nature-friendly businesses and boosting local economy.

Vlad Cvasa

Nature for People

Providing support for nature-friendly businesses and boosting local economy.

We provide support to local producers and entrepreneurs to develop a network that can boost the local economy in the rural areas around the landscape. We collaborate with different communities from the Retezat-Țarcu-Domogled area to create better opportunities the inhabitants.

Silviu Filip

Local network

We are working with local entrepreneurs to develop a landscape business plan that can connect the dots and benefit the people.

Our aim is to create a network with locally sourced goods and products and an efficient way to obtain them, leading to a shorter food supply chain and responsible consumption of resources.

Enterprise workshops

Our monthly meetings with the local entrepreneurs are full of insights. We discuss about their challenges and we provide the support they need to overcome them. We invite professionals from different areas to share their knowledge and we create workshops based on people’s needs.

Some of the topics we covered were how to calculate a fair price for you product, how to get funded, how to promote your business online or how to make better photos with just your phone, workshop facilitated by photographer Daniel Hașiegan.

Nature tourism

We are working on developing touristic packages that will include everything the area has to offer. Good places to stay, good people to host you, good food, unique experiences with local artisans, wildlife watching trips with different species to observe, depending on the time of the year.