Setting the base

Vlad Cvașa

Setting the base

This objective is setting the base through effective management and coordination of the actions and will ensure efficient management.

Task 1.1. Preparation of internal project guidelines and project management tools, and initial training

To make sure the overall initiative is on track and all involved parties are trained and informed, this task foresees a project management package that will be necessary for the correct implementation of the initiative. The coordination team provides guidance on initial overall technical/financial/administrative training, a package of financial/administrative project management tools, a detailed GANTT as well as an online document storage and sharing system.


  • Partnership Agreements

Task 1.2: Project Coordination and administration

The overall project coordination will be guaranteed by Rewilding Europe, which will form a general project management team involving a General Project Manager, a Financial Manager, a Technical Coordinator and a Technical Manager from Rewilding Romania.

Overall Coordination Meetings, bringing together all the partner’s staff involved will be organised regularly and at least twice a year will enable staff to connect, track progress and identify and leverage synergies.

This task aims that the project is carried out according to all the rules, guidelines and procedures thanks to effective project coordination and administration, with the objective to successfully finalise the activities according to the foreseen timing.


  • Progress Report

Task 1.3 Scientific coordination

Besides the general project management, the scientific coordination of the project will be guaranteed by the Scientific/Technical Coordination Team to make sure that all monitoring and technical activities are developed in line with what is foreseen in the initiative and to guarantee the best quality of the interventions and their deliverables. The aim is the achievement of all detailed objectives, deliverables and milestones according to the set time frame, with an excellent technical and scientific quality.