Supporting business

Cătălin Josan

Supporting business

Ensuring long term sustainability of the actions, minimise human-wildlife conflict and maximise opportunities for local people through the establishment of Bison-Smart communities and nature-based economies.

Task 5.1 Participatory development of an ecotourism strategy and landscape business plan

This task aims to involve local people, entrepreneurs and business leaders, municipalities and other stakeholders in developing an ecotourism strategy and landscape business plan which aims to boost the area’s economy and will be integrated into coexistence plans and the establishment and funding of bison-smart communities. And set the foundation to establish the area as a high-quality low-impact nature-tourism destination, as well as paving the path to official recognition as an ecotourism destination by the Romanian ministry of tourism.


  • Eco-tourism strategy and landscape Business plan.

Task 5.2 Expanding and diversifying revenue streams from the European bison’s comeback

Together with promoting the area as a nature-tourism destination in Romania and abroad, it is essential to build local capacity to offer skills and services to tourists, such as accommodation, catering, laundry, transport, sale of local food products, nature-guiding and offerings of other cultural and recreational activities and experiences.

We aim to approach local people and stakeholders to join a business network around the success of the bison’s comeback under a shared brand. Mentoring workshops, connecting talent and interests of the community will build on capacity, giving special attention to local young people.

Task 5.3 Establishing a community-managed ‘bison fund’

Ensuring bison-smart communities can be funded in the long-term is essential for people-bison coexistence and the impact of our actions. Local people, municipalities and businesses will be invited to contribute to the design and funding of innovative revenue-sharing ‘bison funds’ in favour of members of the community that are most vulnerable to damage caused by the bison but may not benefit from the growing bison-based economy.